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Skill Overview

Fishing is a free-to-play skill which allows players to catch fish which can be cooked with the cooking skill and eaten to restore hitpoints.


Useful Items

For net fishing, you will need a small fishing net. For fly fishing, you will need a fishing rod and some feathers. For Cage/Harpoon spots, you will need a lobster pot or a harpoon, depending on what you want to catch.

Skill Locations

- South of Draynor Village Bank
- Barbarian Village
- Musa Point
- Corsair Cave Resource Area

Low Level Methods

Starting out (Levels 1-20)

From levels 1-20 you will be catching shrimp south of Draynor Village bank. At level 15 you will also catch anchovies, slightly increasing your xp/h.



Fast Training Methods

Fly Fishing (20-99)

Fly fishing is the fastest fishing experience in free-to-play. You can do this at the Barbarian Village fishing spot. At level 20 you will be catching trout only, but at level 30 you will also begin catching salmon. After you catch the trout and salmon, you will drop them on the floor, as banking is less xp/h. However, this also means you won't make any money from this method. If you like, you can also cook the fish on the fire for free cooking experience.


Profitable Methods

Catching Lobsters (40+ Fishing)

If you have completed Dragon Slayer, lobsters can be caught with a lobster pot at the Corsair Cove Resource Area, there is a bank at Corsair Cove if you have completed The Corsair Curse. Musa Point is not recommended because it is far away from a bank. Lobsters are significantly less xp/h than powerfishing trout and salmon, but can be profitable.


Alternative Methods

Catching Swordfish/Tuna (50-99)

If you have completed Dragon Slayer, you can harpoon fish at the Corsair Cove Resource Area, there is a bank at Corsair Cove if you have completed The Corsair Curse. Musa Point is not recommended because it is far away from a bank. This is less xp/h than powerfishing trout and salmon, but more profitable.


Quests for XP

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