Whats going on guys, my name's Theoatrix and today I'm going to cover 10 of the best RuneLite plugins. Let's get right into it...

Hotkey Prayer Method
With RuneLite, you can move your interfaces to anywhere on the screen. Well if youre on resizeable modern mode, you can move your inventory over an altar, then you can click and press the hotkey for your inventory repeatedly.
This is a less focus intensive way to train prayer, and will ensure youre 1 ticking all of the bones.
Fight Caves Spawn Predictor Plugin
If you're struggling to get the fire cape, or you're doing the fight caves on a pure, then I strongly recommend the fight caves spawn predictor plugin. It shows you where the next monsters will spawn, and also shows what monster will spawn.
This allows you to prepare for the next wave, whether it be moving safespot or going to target a monster first.
Dude Where's My Stuff
Dude Where's My Stuff is an excellent plugin for ultimate ironmen but is also useful for all types of accounts. It shows you how much you have stored in coffers, death storages, pouches and more.
It's extremely accurate at knowing what you have stored anywhere in the game.
Inventory Viewer
With the inventory viewer plugin, thieving the Ardougne knights becomes very relaxed. You can line up your coin pouches over the knight, then you can close the inventory and keep track of your coin pouches with the inventory viewer.
Then, when youre ready to empty your pouches, you just press the hotkey for your inventory, then click, then press the hotkey again, and continue thieving.
Pickpocket Guardian
On the topic of thieving, possibly the best plugin for hardcore ironmen is the pickpocket guardian plugin. This stops you from thieving when your hit points reaches a certain threshold.
This stops you from dying at places like ardy knight.
Grand Exchange
With the default grand exchange RuneLite plugin, if you scroll to the bottom of the settings, you can turn on fuzzy search.
This lets you search for items with partial matches, making it easier to find something you don’t know the name of. For example, you could type sara brew for saradomin brews.
Wilderness Player Alarms
If you're going into the wilderness, the wilderness player alarm plugin could save you a death.
It alerts you when there is another player in the area, useful for revenants, wilderness bosses and black chinchompas.
Consumeables Cooldown
A great plugin for those new to bossing or pking is the consumeables cooldown plugin. This shows a timer overlay on items to show you when you can consume them again.
You can see that its pretty intelligent with its countdowns, where they can stack or have more time added.
Unpotted Reminder
The unpotted reminder plugin is useful for everyone to tell you when you’ve forgotten to sip a combat potion.
You can set up alerts, overlays, or flashes on your screen to remind you when its time to pot.
Banked Experience
Lastly, the 10th plugin is Banked Experience. This shows you your potential gains from the items you have stored in your bank.
This is perfect for calculating certain levels, and has a lot of use for ironmen.
Anyways, that’s my 10 favourite runelite plugins right now.
What's your favourite plugin? Leave a comment down below.
Thanks for reading :)