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100% Hosidius House Favour Guide (OSRS)

What’s going on guys! My name is Theoatrix, and welcome to my 100% Hosidius House Favour Guide.

This article shows why you should get favour, how to get it the fastest, as well as some alternatives for Ironmen. Using the method I show you in this article gets 100% Favour within half an hour, with a bit of focus.

A quick note – since a recent update a couple of months ago, your favour in other Houses no longer decrease when gaining favour in other houses. So, this means that you no longer need to lock in your favour.

Why Get Favour?

Starting off with why you should get Hosidius House Favour…

15% + 25 Thieving

With 15% and 25 Thieving, you can steal from the Fruit Stalls near Sand Crabs.

They give the best Thieving XP per hour until you unlock Blackjacking.

35% + 83 Farming

At 35% favour, with 83 Farming as well, you can plant a Spirit Tree in the Spirit Patch south of the large Hosidius House Bank.


At 50%, the allotments, flower and most importantly the herb patch east of the Xeric’s Glade Teleport are protected permanently from disease.

60% + 45 Farming

With 60% favour and 45 Farming, you can enter the Farming Guild, unlocking a great deal of Farming patches.

75% + 60 Woodcutting

At 60 Woodcutting and 75% favour, you can enter the Woodcutting Guild, which has every type of tree.

100% + 34 Farming

With complete favour at 100%, you firstly unlock the Tithe Farm at 34 Farming, which provides an alternative way to gain Farming XP, as well as a range of useful rewards.


Also, at 100%, you can cook in the Hosidius kitchen, located east of the estate agent in the Hosidius House. The ovens here give a 5% lower burn rate, which stacks with the effects of the Cooking Gauntlets. These ovens give the lowest burn rate throughout Runescape. As you can tell, there are a lot of rewards with getting favour, and it is definitely worth your time.

Fastest to 100% Requirements

So, this is how to get it the fastest. Firstly, the requirements… and, there are actually no skill requirements to get 100%.

Items Needed

In terms of the items, you will need a hammer and 950 compost.

Compost has a buy limit on the Grand Exchange of 600. So, you will need to go to a Farming Store across Runescape to buy a few Compost Packs.

As a regular player, you will need 950 Saltpetre, and as an Ironman, instead of bring Saltpetre, you will need to bring a Spade in order to get it yourself.

To get started, grab your hammer and make your way to one of the Hosidius Farms with a Plough on it. The fastest way to get to one is using the Xeric’s Talisman Teleport to Xeric’s Glade, and run north.

Alternatively, you can take the boat from Port Sarim, then run a bit east.

1% - 5%: Push Plough

To get your first 5%, you need to push the plough back and forward, repairing it when it has broken. Doing this from 0% to 5% will only take you 5 – 10 minutes.

5% - 100%: Fertiliser

Once you are at 5%, you can start making fertiliser. So, make your way west to the big Hosidius House Bank.

For this part, you will need the compost and saltpetre handy.

To get saltpetre as an Ironman, you should grab a spade and head south to the first grey circle. If Konoo is not already there, you should hop worlds. This is because he is on different locations on every world. Once you find him, you can start digging, getting a full inventory of saltpetre.

Once you are done, head back to the bank and repeat that until you have 950. To get started making fertiliser, you should take one of each item out of your bank at a time to make this formation in your inventory.

This is so that you can make the fertiliser a lot quicker with a lot less mouse movement as well. You will need to click through each one to make it the fastest.

When you are going to bank, don’t bank your full inventory. Firstly, fill your inventory with one of the other ingredients.

Then, deposit the fertiliser, then withdraw the other ingredient.

This keeps your inventory like that, allowing you to make over 2000 fertiliser per hour. This is the fastest way to gain Hosidius House favour in the game. To get 100%, as you have probably gathered, you will need to make 950. Once you have made all of them, and you have them in your bank, make your way southeast to the first building you see.

Here, you will find the Clerk, and by talking to her, she will take all of the fertiliser out of your bank, converting it into favour.

Alternative Method

Now, for the alternative way to gain favour, which requires 40% Hosidius House favour to start.

This method is probably better for Ultimate Ironmen, and it also gives quite a lot more XP than doing the Saltpetre Method. The method is cooking at the Mess Hall, located northwest of the big Hosidius Bank.

Here, you can cook 3 types of food – Meat pies, Stews and Pineapple Pizzas.

Meat Pies

Meat Pies need 20 Cooking, and to make them, grab 14 flour and 14 bowls.

Fill the bowls with water, and then turn the flour into pastry dough.

Drop the bowls and grab 14 pie dishes, and make pie shells.

Then, grab 14 pieces of meat by right-clicking and grabbing X,

then cook all of the meat.

Then, add them to the pies by putting 2 ingredients at the bottom of your inventory. Then, spam click it.

Then, finally, cook the Uncooked Pies. You can then serve them at the tables on either side of the Mess Hall for massive amounts of Cooking XP.


Stews are made at 25 Cooking with bowls of water, then mixing in potatoes.

Then, you need to cook 14 pieces of meat.

Then, add them to the stews by spam clicking again.

Then, you can finally cook all of the stews and serve them.

Pineapple Pizzas

With 65 Cooking, you can make Pineapple Pizzas, which are probably the fastest ones to make. Firstly, grab 14 flour and 14 bowls,

and fill all the bowls with water. Then, make 14 pizza bases.

Grab 14 tomatoes, spam click them onto the pizzas,

then 14 cheese and do the same.

Then, cook the pizzas at the range.

Go grab a knife from the utensils cupboard.

Then, grab 13 Pineapples from the other cupboard.

Spam the knife on the Pineapples,

and then spam the Pineapple Chunks onto the Pizzas.

Making these gives around 150 000 Cooking XP per hour. Cooking here also gains a decent amount of favour. But, it is not quite as fast as making fertiliser. If you want some Cooking XP, you can do this alternative method. Otherwise, stick to the first method I spoke about.

Anyways guys, that is my 100% Hosidius House Favour Guide. I hope you learned something useful in this article or enjoyed. If you did, be sure to leave a like, and make sure to subscribe if you are new. If you have any suggestions, make sure you leave them in the comments. If you have any questions or just want to chat to me, you can join the Theoatrix friend chat in game. As always, thanks for reading this article, and have a nice day!



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