Whats going on guys, my name’s Theoatrix and welcome to my efficient slayer training guide for 2025. This guide explains how to get high slayer xp rates as consistently as possible.
Slayer is one of the slowest skills in the game and it requires high levels of effort to get higher xp rates.
To get the fastest slayer xp rates, you need to always be using the enchanted silver bracelets, as well as cannoning and barraging as many tasks as possible. You should skip tasks that you can’t cannon or barrage, no matter how profitable it is, and you should block tasks that are frequently assigned that give slow xp rates.

Not all tasks will be efficient and youll have to sacrifice time doing bad tasks to maintain points.

Efficient slayer will not be as profitable. You spend money on cannonballs, venator bow charges, ammo, runes for barraging, and food. Expect to lose some money if you want to go the fastest.

Boss tasks can be a nice break from efficient slayer but provide much lower xp rates compared to standard training.
10 key points to maximise your slayer xp

First, nieve is generally the best slayer master to use for the fastest xp, although duradel is also decent.

Wearing a silver bracelet for your task is a must if you want the fastest slayer xp rates. Theres the expeditious bracelet, which shortens your task, and the bracelet of slaughter which extends your task. You should always be using the expeditious bracelet on the slow xp tasks, then the bracelet of slaughter on the fast xp tasks.

The next tip is to extend your tasks. You can pay slayer points to extend a range of tasks like bloodvelds and dust devils, and theres 8 tasks i would recommend extending. These extensions work with the bracelets too, so you can extend it even further.

Another key point for faster slayer xp, is to do the slow tasks at the smaller variants where possible. What i mean, is if you get black dragons, you can kill baby black dragons in taverly dungeon. Recently jagex added wyrmlings as well, so if you get a wyrms task, you can do it faster at the smaller variant.

A key thing to remember, is to avoid any slow tasks even if theyre very profitable. If youre also slaying for some profit, then its no problem to do some slow profitable tasks here and there, but if you want 99 slayer the fastest, youre going to have to sacrifice those for the fast xp tasks.

Here are two example block lists for both nieve and duradel, and these are both based on the task weightings, so these are common slayer tasks that give slow xp rates.

The next tip is to cannon as many tasks as possible. Monsters like hellhounds, greater demons, bloodvelds and dagannoths can all be cannoned, and using a cannon significantly boosts your slayer xp rates.
Fastest xp slayer tasks

The fastest slayer xp task in osrs, without alt accounts, is completing a smoke devils task. This gives 125k xp per hour, and involves cannoning and barraging at the same time.

Bursting nechryaels and dust devils is another way to get fast slayer xp, and after the sins of the father quest, you can access the meiyerditch bloodveld area, where its possible to cannon them for very high xp rates.

Tasks within the wilderness slayer cave are excellent for XP, although do bear the risk of being in the wilderness. Since its a multicombat cannonable area, you can cannon tasks here very quickly, but you should never take a big stack of cannonballs out there.

Defeating araxxytes with the venator bow is another fast xp task, and Tzhaar tasks, particularly fight cave or inferno tasks provide very high xp rates if you do them efficiently.
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