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OSBuddy Unique Features (OSRS 3rd Party Client)

In OSBuddy Free and OSBuddy Pro, there are more accurate Grand Exchange prices. That’s because OSBuddy grabs the exact buy and sell prices off the Grand Exchange of people that are using OSBuddy, and then it’s able to tell you what the last sell price was. Recently, the Grand Exchange prices have been way off for a lot of items. Having the OSBuddy price pop up makes things so much easier, and way easier to understand the GP per XP. This can be accessed on the RSBuddy­­­ websites, but by using the client, it shows them as you search them at the Grand Exchange.

Exclamation Mark KC

Something unique to OSBuddy is the exclamation mark KC for kill count. This is great in conversation, or just for checking how many kill count you have at random.


OpenGL is a feature that is very inviting for a lot of the OSBuddy Pro users. This changes how the entire game looks and in particular, how smooth the textures are. In addition to that, OpenGL also shows a sky, which a lot of players prefer having.




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