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OSRS Pest Control - Complete Guide

Pest Control rewards players with Void Knight Armour which is an important armour set for combat activities. It is a combat minigame where you protect a Void Knight from oncoming pests.

Guide Contents

How Long For Void

It takes 1250 Void Knight Commendation Points to get all 3 sets of void. For Elite Void, it takes 1650 Points in total.


Boat Level

Time For All Sets

Time For All Elite

Novice (40+)

~16-18 hours

~21-23 hours

Intermediate (70+)

~12-14 hours

~17-19 hours

Veteran (100+)

~9-11 hours

~13-15 hours


Boat Level

Time For All Sets

Time For All Elite

Novice (40+)

~12-14 hours

~17-19 hours

Intermediate (70+)

~9-11 hours

~13-15 hours

Veteran (100+)

~8-10 hours

~11-12 hours


Boat Level

Time For All Sets

Time For All Elite

Novice (40+)

~9-11 hours

~13-15 hours

Intermediate (70+)

~8-10 hours

~11-12 hours

Veteran (100+)

~7-8 hours

~9-10 hours


Boat Level

Time For All Sets

Time For All Elite

Novice (40+)

~8-10 hours

~11-12 hours

Intermediate (70+)

~7-8 hours

~9-10 hours

Veteran (100+)

~6-7 hours

~8-9 hours

*Time ranges vary based off of how fast your team completes the games and how many games you fail

Getting Started


- Players will need at least 40 combat level in order to start the Pest Control activity on the Novice boat - Players wanting to use the intermediate boat will need to be at least 70 combat level - Players wanting to use the Veteran boat will need to be at least 100 combat level - It is highly recommended to complete any combat achievements you can up to the hard tier as completing easy, medium and hard combat achievements gives you an extra +1, +2 and +3 points per game respectively. Players should aim to complete at least the easy ones as this provides the most time save in each respective boat

Getting To Pest Control

There are a few ways to get to Pest Control. These are the fastest ways there.

  1. The easiest way is using the minigame teleport to Pest Control requiring 40 combat.

  2. Players can use a Pest Control teleport scroll to get to the Void Knight's Outpost where Pest Control is.

  3. Players can get to Port Sarim and charter the ship using the Void Knight in order to get to the Void Knight's Outpost where Pest Control is.

Pest Control World When playing Pest Control, you should use the world W344. World 344 is the official Pest Control world and is highly recommended because in order to start a game of Pest Control, you need at least 5-25 players on the boat with you. Even if you have the minimum of 5 players, there will be a wait time on the boat, whereas if the boat is full, the game will automatically start as soon as possible. This makes getting points a lot faster.

Items Required

  • Your best combat gear. For faster games, bring all 3 attack styles with you

  • Food is not required as this minigame is a safe death for all account types

  • Bring any boosting items with you for the fastest games and experience rates

Full Walkthrough

  1. Travel to the Pest Control using one of the methods described above and hop to world 344

  2. Make sure you have your best combat gear on you

  3. Enter the best boat you can depending on your combat level

  4. Either run to the middle to protect the Void Knight or run to the portals and attack them depending on what role you are doing

  5. Make sure to be constantly damaging the pests/portals in order to keep your activity bar up

Best Strategies

There are 2 key strategies when partaking in Pest Control.

1. Protecting The Void Knight

  • Players must hit the monsters attacking the Void Knight

  • Make sure all of the 3 gates (one north, one west and one east) are closed at all times to prevent damage to the Void Knight

  • Anytime a portal is destroyed, the Void Knight is healed

  • If the Void Knight dies, the game will end in a loss, so be sure to protect him as best as you can

  • If there are too many people on the Void Knight, it is recommended to help with the portals instead to upkeep your activity bar

2. Targeting The Portals

Each portal is weak to a certain attack style:

Portal Colour

Portal Location

Weak to





South West



South East





The portals will all spawn with shields protecting them, not allowing them to be attacked. After a while, these shields will begin to drop one at a time. These will always be in a set order depending on the first 2 portals that are attackable. Down below are the possible shield rotations. Note: it is impossible for the first shield attackable to be red so players should avoid this portal at the start.

Yellow -> Purple -> Red -> Blue Yellow -> Red -> Purple -> Blue Purple -> Yellow -> Blue -> Red Purple -> Blue -> Yellow -> Red

Blue -> Purple -> Red -> Yellow

Blue -> Red -> Yellow -> Purple

It is important to note that whenever the shield on the portal goes down, players should focus on killing any spinners that appear out of the portals. These are particularly important to kill as they heal the portal whenever it sustains any form of damage.

Rewards From Pest Control

Players will most typically buy the full void set from the Pest Control shop and nothing else, however here is a list of all the possible rewards you are able to buy from the Pest Control shop.

Reward Name

Requirements to Buy

Void Points


Herb Pack

25 Herblore


Contains random grimy herbs. Can be bought by ironmen.

Seed Pack

25 Farming


Contains a random assortment of seeds.

Mineral Pack

25 Mining


Contains a random amount of only coal and iron.

Void Knight Top

42 in Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic and 22 in Prayer


Top part of the void set.

Void Knight Robe

42 in Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic and 22 in Prayer


Bottom part of the void set.

Void Knight Gloves

42 in Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic and 22 in Prayer


Glove slot of the void set.

Void Mage Helm

42 in Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic and 22 in Prayer


Mage helm of the void set.

Void Ranger Helm

42 in Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic and 22 in Prayer


Ranged helm of the void set.

Void Melee Helm

42 in Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic and 22 in Prayer


Melee helm of the void set.

Void Knight Mace

42 in Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic and 22 in Prayer


Acts as a guthix staff and guthix item, however is not required for the void set.

Void Seal

42 in Attack, Strength, Defence, Hitpoints, Ranged, Magic and 22 in Prayer


Can be used in Pest Control to do AOE damage to pests. Not required for the void set.

Players can also buy experience from the shop that scales off of your level, however this is not recommended for most players. The only exception to this would be ultimate ironmen trying to train prayer or specific account builds that need a large amount of experience in certain stats. (Example: defence pures)



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