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OSRS Tips & Tricks - Episode 1

Updated: Jul 17, 2023

What’s going on guys! My name is Theoatrix, and today I am bringing you an article from the OSRS Tips and Tricks series. This will include a variety of small things in Runescape which really are going to improve your quality of life in game. Some of the ideas I am going to show in this article may be pretty common ideas. But, I am going to include absolutely everything I can think of. So, some of you may know about some of these. But, I definitely think these will help at least a few people out there. I am also going to include a lot of really obscure ideas as well. So, hopefully everyone can learn from this. This article will include 10 tips or tricks. Let’s get right into it.

1. Unlimited Tokens at the Warriors Guild

The first tip in this article is the way to basically have unlimited tokens at the Warriors Guild. To do this, you need to have at least 100 tokens in the first place to be able to enter the Cyclops room. Once you enter, you have to kill one, leave the room, and re-enter, and then just repeat. By doing this, you do not actually use any tokens at all since the 1 minute timer starts each time you enter.

2. The Clan Wars White Portal Restore

The Clan Wars White Portal is a great alternative if you do not have a Restoration Pool in your house. Going in and then out of the portal restores your Hit Points, Prayer Points, Stats and also removes your Skull. So, if you accidentally get Skulled or something, you can go there and it removes it. But, one downside is that is does not give you any special attack back.

3. Changing your Function Keys

The function keys, or the F keys, are pretty much vital in Runescape for Bossing and PKing, and to set those up, you go to the Settings Icon and then go to the top right joystick, click on the functions options, and then this lets you change the Hot Keys to any F key that you want. Using them really. Really helps with bossing and means that you can do a lot more in a shorter amount of time.

4. 1 Tick Food Combos

With certain foods, it is possible to eat up to 3 things in the same game tick. One of the most commonly used combos is a Shark, then a Brew, and then a Karambwan. The Brew can be replaced with any Potion. So, that means that you can eat a Shark, and then something like a Prayer Potion and then a Karambwan, all in the same game tick. For Free to Play players, you can actually eat a Pizza and then something like a Swordfish in a very quick time. But, it is not on the same game tick. There is just a slower eating time for Pizzas.

5. Minigame Teleports

Another tip is to use the Minigame Teleports, which actually have their own timer for when you can use them. That timer is every 30 minutes. It does not actually link to the Home Teleport timer. So, you can use both a Home Teleport and a Minigame Teleport in the same 30 minutes. The most useful Minigame Teleports are the Nightmare Zone one, which takes you to the Minigame obviously, and also it takes you to Yanille, which is kind of hard for lower level players to get to. But, you do need to at least have unlocked the Nightmare Zone to use that teleport. The Castle Wars Teleport is really good for Ironmen for going to the absolute other side of Runescape without needing a Dueling Ring. Also, the Pest Control Teleport is a great way to get to places like Kourend or the Charter Ships because you can literally just take the boat off Pest Control, and then you are literally right next to the Kourend guy and the Charter Ships.

6. Jugs of Wine

Jugs of Wine are actually probably one of the cheapest food sources in the game. They cost 3 coins each, and they actually heal 11 Hitpoints per wine. Of course, they can be a little bit annoying since you get a Jug once you drink it. But, the cost of them make it worth the extra hassle of having to drop them. One thing you need to keep in mind though, is that wines actually lower your Attack level. So, they cannot really be used if you are Melee training. But, they are really good for Range training, Magic training, the Wintertodt Minigame, Agility and just generally places where you need to heal like during a Quest or something like that.

7. Using the Space Bar and Number keys for Chat Box

A small tip that I am adding into this article is the fact that you can use the Space Bar and numbers on your keyboard to get through certain chat options. You can press 1, 2, 3, 4, etc – all the numbers – for each option going down the Chat Box, and the Space Bar instead of Click to continue button.

8. Ava’s Devices Options

The Ava’s Accumulator or the Ava’s Attractor, you might notice that it randomly gets steel items or random other stuff popping up in your inventory when you are wearing it. You can actually toggle this option on and off by right clicking and clicking the commune option. I guess it could be okay for Ironmen to keep it on since it gives Steel Bars and other kind of useful items. But, most of the time, it is really annoying and I turn it off.

9. Bank Pin Options

If you have a Bank Pin, this one might be really helpful for you. If you talk to a Banker, and then ask about your pin options, there is actually an option for you to turn off having to put in your bank pin every time you hop worlds or log out for a minute or two. The maximum timer you can put on it is 5 minutes though. So, you cannot go AFK for ages and then come back and not have to put a pin in. but, it really helps if you are World Hopping.

10. Quick Prayers for Prayer Flicking

With the Quick Prayers, you can actually use it as a way to Prayer Flick with more than one Prayer at a time. So, let’s say that you only have 40 Prayer or something, and that means that you cannot use Piety, so you cannot have all the combos in one Prayer. So, instead, you have an Attack Prayer, a Strength Prayer and a Defence Prayer. You activate them on your Quick Prayers, and you can use them all at the same time while you are Prayer flicking. Also, you can flick your Protection Prayers and Defensive Prayers at the same time, which can come in kind of handy for things maybe like Dagannoth Kings, where there might be more than one thing attacking you, or random other places.

Anyways guys, that is 10 Tips for this article. I hope you learned something interesting today or enjoyed. If you did, be sure to leave a like, and make sure to subscribe if you are new. As always, thanks for reading this article, and have a nice day!



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