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OSRS Woodcutting Boosts

Players are able to boost up to +5 visibly with the woodcutting skill and up to +10 invisibly. Other than a few exceptions, boosts will passively drain at a rate of 1 level every 60 seconds.

This guide will go over all of the boosting items and locations for the woodcutting skill and will breakdown which boosts are the easiest to get for both main accounts and ironmen.


Boost Type

Level Increase

How to get the boost

Axeman's Folly



Fermenting it yourself (takes up to 5 days)

Woodcutting Cape



Obtained by using the boost feature on the woodcutting skillcape after achieving 99 woodcutting

Mature Axeman's Folly



Fermenting it yourself (takes up to 5 days)

Various Axes



Special attacks from these weapons: Dragon axe obtained from Dagannoth Kings Infernal axe obtained by combining a smouldering stone with a dragon axe 3rd age axe obtained as a very rare reward from master clues Obtained by combing a crystal tool seed with a dragon axe

Spicy stew (brown)



Obtained by combining 3 brown spices with a stew to make a spicy stew after completing Evil Dave's portion of the Recipe for Disaster quest. This is not a guaranteed boost and can boost the players level anywhere from -5 to +5

Woodcutting Guild



Whenever woodcutting in the woodcutting guild you will get an invisible +7 boost to woodcutting

Woodcutting with multiple people



Whenever chopping a tree with another player, you will receive a +1 invisible boost per person on the tree up to 10.

The easiest woodcutting skill boost achievable for mains would be the dragon axe boost. Since the dragon axe is cheap and only requires 61 woodcutting to use. If you don't have 61 woodcutting then any other of the visible boosts are buyable off of the grand exchange.

The easiest woodcutting skill boost achievable for irons would be the dragon axe special attack boost. Players can receive the dragon axe from the Dagannoth Kings at a rate of 1/128 from all three of the Kings. Irons going for Berserker Ring will most likely have this. The next best boost for irons if they are not 61 woodcutting or do not have the axe can use spicy stews.

Visible skill boosts refer to boosts that directly affect your level and you can see in your stat breakdowns. With some exceptions, if you have a visible boost past your current level, it will allow you to interact with the skill in ways you would not be able to at your current level. An example of a visible skill boost would be the dragon axe special attack. This special attack gives the player a +3 boost to their woodcutting level. For example, if you are 87 woodcutting and want to complete the redwood log step in a master clue, you could use the special attack to boost to 90 to be able to chop the tree.

Invisible skill boosts refer to boosts that do not directly affect your level and you cannot see it affect your stats directly. These boosts simply make the rate of gathering skills faster and don't allow you to complete certain actions before the required level.

Players who have unlocked the Preserve prayer with the torn prayer scroll will make this drain 50% slower putting it at a 1.5min delay per level drain. Players must have preserve active for 15 seconds before the stat drain delay starts to work.

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