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OSRS Vorkath Guide (Ranged & Melee Strategies)

Welcome to my complete Vorkath guide for Old School RuneScape.

In this guide I'll teach you everything you need to know for fighting with ranged and melee.

Guide Contents

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Requirement to fight vorkath:

  • Dragon Slayer II

Recommended stats to be effective:

  • 75+ Ranged (if ranging)

  • 80+ Atk/Str (if meleeing)


Getting There

These are the best ways to get to Vokath.

  • Fastest: Fremennik sea boots 4 from the elite fremennik diaries.

  • 2nd Fastest: Waterbirth Island teleport

  • Best For All Accounts: Rellekka House Portal teleport (move house to rellekka or use scroll of redirection)


Vorkath’s Mechanics

Vorkath has regular melee, ranged and magic attacks that it can do, which can hit up to 32.

Throughout the fight, its best to use protect from magic if youre wearing ranged gear, and protect from melee with melee gear, and protect from magic from a distance.

There’s also the regular dragonfire attack, which is red fire breath, which can hit up to 80 without protection from dragonfire.

And the green firebreath attack is a venom attack, where youll need to cure the venom damage.

There’s also the purple firebreath, which turns off your prayers when it hits you, and for this you just need to turn your prayers back on.

Theres also the fireball attack, where vorkath launches fire into the air, and to avoid this, you need to be at least 2 tiles away from it.

Then, every 6 attacks from vorkath, it does a special type of attack which can be one of 2 attacks.

This can be the zombified spawn, where vorkath freezes you, and you have to use crumble undead on the spawn that appears.

And the other attack is the acid pools, which is where pools appear around the area, and vorkath launches fireballs at you every game tick. So you need to move every tick to avoid the damage, which can be done by walking.


Fight Walkthroughs

Now ill take you through two full vorkath kills, one for ranged and one for melee. If youre looking for a gear guide, ill talk about gear and inventory right after the fight runthroughs. Before starting, its recommended to have your run energy turned off for the entire fight, and this is for the acid phase.

Ranged Walkthrough

Starting with ranged, so to start the fight, i click on vorkath.

  1. I start attacking with ranged, with protect ranged active.

  2. After a few hits, vorkath uses its first special attack, which is the acid phase. So i quickly look over the acid in the area, and choose a suitable line to walk down. With no running, you can avoid all of the fireballs just by moving.

  3. Once the phase ends, i return to attacking with ranged, with protect ranged.

  4. Then the next special attack happens, which is the zombified spawn. So for this, you go to your magic spellbook and cast crumble undead on it as fast as possible. An easier way to do this is to use a slayer staff with it on autocast, then you just swap weapon and click on it.

  5. Then its back to attacking vorkath, and then theres the fireball attack, which i move a few tiles to avoid.

  6. And a few hits later, im into the acid phase, and as you can see it can be very dangerous, and is definitely the phase where most people die. If you stop moving at all, you instantly start getting damaged.

  7. Then i return to fighting vorkath, and eventually complete the kill.

Melee Walkthrough

Now lets do a full runthrough of a melee kill.

With melee, its best to use protect from magic and attack and walk away. This is to ensure vorkath uses magic attacks on you, and no melee attacks.

  1. So after a few hits, it enters the acid phase, and for this phase, I would recommend just walking and not attacking vorkath. But with a bit of practice, you can acid walk while attacking. This requires perfect timing and clicks, but for your first few kills, i would suggest just walking like the ranged setup.

  2. Then the zombified spawn appears, so i swap to the slayer staff and click on the spawn, then return to attacking vorkath.

  3. Then theres the big fireball attack, so i move out of the way, and back to regular fighting.

  4. Then it enters the acid phase once more, where you should walk, but can also attack with a bit of practice.

  5. Then the fight resumes and the kill is complete.


Gear & Inventory

Im going to show gear for both ranged and melee, and ill show the minimum setup, as well as a budget and the max setup.

Ranged Setups

So, starting with ranged, the minimum setup would be void armour, with a rune crossbow and salve amulet, and with this setup its easy to be consistent at vorkath, although your kills will be slow. The salve amulet is a must at vorkath, but you do need to enchant it to have the ranged boost. In your inventory, you should use the slayer staff with crumble undead runes in your rune pouch, which is chaos earth and air. You want to be using ruby bolts for the first half of the kill, then diamond bolts for the second half of the kill, and using the adamant versions are fine to save money. And you want a divine ranged potion, and 1 full extended super antifire, and 1 anti venom plus potion. 2 super restores, food, and your teleport to get there and back.

A decent budget ranged setup would still be using void, but the difference is using the dragon crossbow, archers ring and dragon bolts. Players that are more comfortable with vorkath dont need the slayer staff, and can cast from the spellbook manually.

Now this is the maxed ranged setup at vorkath. It includes full masori, the dragonhunter crossbow, with a zaryte crossbow for spec. If youre wondering what the dull looking prayer potion is, thats an extended anti venom plus potion, which is quite expensive, but is useful if youre using top tier gear.

Melee Setups

Next up, is the melee setups, and the first one is the minimum setup, which includes the zamorakian hasta as your weapon, and some basic strength bonus boosting items as armour. The imbued salve amulet is a must here too, since vorkath is undead.

The only difference in the inventory is the super combat potion instead of the ranged potion. You still need crumble undead runes, and the slayer staff if you want.

The budget melee setup includes the same armour but instead, using a fang, a berserker ring, and ferocious gloves.

The max melee setup includes full torva, a dragon hunter lance with a voidwaker to spec, and the ultor ring.


Loot From Vorkath

The average loot from 1 vorkath kill is currently 180k so its a decent boss to kill. The most valuable drop is the skeletal visage, worth 15 mil right now. And theres also a range of other valuable drops.

The pet is dropped at a rate of 1 in 3000, which is the same droprate as the jar of decay.


Anyways, thats my complete vorkath guide for OSRS. To skip back to any section of this guide, there are links below.

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